











  1. 将图像转化为灰度图像;
  2. 对灰度图像进行滤波处理,降噪;
  3. 使用Sobel算子进行边缘检测,得到边缘图像;
  4. 将得到的边缘图像与原图像进行加权合并,从而得到锐化后的图像。





  1. 将图像转化为灰度图像;
  2. 对灰度图像进行滤波处理,降噪;
  3. 使用Laplacian算子进行边缘检测,得到锐化后的图像。





  1. 将图像转化为灰度图像;
  2. 通过高斯滤波器对图像进行模糊化处理,从而消除噪点,降低图像中的锐度;
  3. 对模糊化后的图像进行锐化处理。




  1. 电子显微镜图像处理:在电子显微镜图像中,通过使用Sobel算子或Laplacian算子进行边缘检测,能够突出图像中的细微结构和细节,从而更好地显示出样品的内部结构。
  2. 医学图像处理:在医学领域中,通过对医学图像进行锐化处理,能够突出图像中的血管、肿块和病理损害等重要结构,从而帮助医生更好地进行诊断。
  3. 汽车驾驶辅助系统:在汽车驾驶辅助系统中,通过对前方视频图像进行锐化处理,能够更好地检测出前方的路况、车辆和行人等,从而增强驾驶安全性。









It is expected that the future artificial neural network computer will provide economic prediction, market prediction and benefit prediction for human beings, and its application prospect is very bright. (2) has the function of associative storage. This association can be realized by using the feedback network of artificial neural network. (3) it has the ability to find the optimal solution at high speed.



Finding the optimal solution of a complex problem often requires a large amount of computation. Using a feedback artificial neural network designed for a problem and giving full play to the high-speed computing ability of the computer, the optimal solution may be found quickly.





Extended data: the unique nonlinear adaptive information processing ability of artificial neural network overcomes the shortcomings of traditional artificial intelligence methods in intuition, such as pattern, speech recognition, unstructured information processing. It has been successfully applied in the fields of neural expert system, pattern recognition, intelligent control, combinatorial optimization, prediction and so on.



The combination of artificial neural network and other traditional methods will promote the continuous development of artificial intelligence and information processing technology.



In recent years, artificial neural network is developing more deeply on the road of simulating human cognition, which is combined with fuzzy system, genetic algorithm and evolutionary mechanism to form computational intelligence, which has become an important direction of artificial intelligence. it will be developed in practical application.



The application of information geometry to the study of artificial neural network opens up a new way for the theoretical research of artificial neural network. The research of neural computer has developed rapidly, and some products have entered the market. The neural computer with optoelectronic combination provides good conditions for the development of artificial neural network.



Neural network has been well applied in many fields, but there are still many aspects that need to be studied.



Among them, the combination of neural networks and other technologies with the advantages of distributed storage, parallel processing, self-learning, self-organization and nonlinear mapping, as well as the resulting hybrid methods and hybrid systems, has become a research hotspot.



As other methods also have their own advantages, so the combination of neural network and other methods, learn from each other, and then can obtain better application results.



At present, the work in this field includes the integration of neural network and fuzzy logic, expert system, genetic algorithm, wavelet analysis, chaos, rough set theory, fractal theory, evidence theory and grey system. Reference: Baidu encyclopedia-artificial neural network.




泛化能力,英文全称generalization ability,指机器学习算法对新鲜样本的适应能力,一种预测新的input类别的能力 好文案



Through learning to find the rules hidden behind the data, and for the data outside the learning set with the same law, this trained network can give appropriate output, this ability is called generalization ability.



For the neural network, the more complex the neural network is, the higher the complexity of the neural network is, the greater the complexity capacity of the neural network is, of course, the better, and certainly not absolute, but it shows the problem of the capacity of a container. at this time, the generalization ability of the neural network is also stronger.



We need to know that structural complexity and sample complexity, sample quality, initial weight, learning time and other factors will affect the generalization ability of the neural network.



In order to ensure that the neural network has strong generalization ability, people have done a lot of research and obtained many generalization methods, including pruning algorithm, construction algorithm and evolutionary algorithm and so on. The generalization ability of artificial neural network is mainly due to the efficient feature set can be derived from the training set through unsupervised pre-learning.



Once complex problems are transformed into forms expressed by these features, they naturally become simpler. Conceptually, this is a bit like doing an intelligent coordinate transformation for the training set.



For example, if the training set is a lot of pictures of faces, then if the pre-training is done well, you can derive features such as nose, eyes, mouth, various basic face shapes, and so on. If the classification was done with these features instead of based on pixels, the result would be much better.



Although large neural networks have many parameters, they are less likely to be over-fitted because they are actually based on a small number of features.



At the same time, in view of the shortcomings that the neural network is easy to fall into local extremum, difficult to determine its structure and poor generalization ability, a support vector regression machine which can well solve the problems of small samples, nonlinearity and high dimension is introduced to predict the development index of oil and gas field.




The limitation of the neural network algorithm is that the mean function can be used, but this function will take the average value of the embedded and assign it as a new embedding. However, it is easy to see that for some different graphs, they will give the same embedding, so the mean function is not monojective.

即使图不同,节点 v 和 v' 的平均嵌入聚合(此处嵌入对应于不同的颜色)将给出相同的嵌入。

这里真正重要的是,你可以先用某个函数 f(x) 将每个嵌入映射到一个新的嵌入,然后进行求和,得到一个单射函数。

在证明中,它们实际上显式地声明了这个函数 f,这需要两个额外条件,即 X 是可数的,且任何多重集都是有界的。

并且事实上,在训练中并没有任何东西可以保证这种单射性,而且可能还会有一些图是 GIN 无法区分的,但WL可以。所以这是对 GIN 的一个很强的假设,如果违反了这一假设,那么 GIN 的性能将受到限制。



The universality of the neural network algorithm is that it is usually easier to gain insight into the model because of the limitations of the model. After all, the knowledge about specific features that the network cannot learn is independent of the training process in application.

此外,通过帮助我们理解与模型相关的任务的难度,不可能性结果(impossibility result)有助于得出关于如何选择模型超参数的实用建议。以图分类问题为例。



Training a graph classifier needs to identify what constitutes a class, that is, to find the attributes shared by the graph in the same class rather than in other classes, and then determine whether the new graph complies with the learned attributes.



However, if the above decision problem can be proved to be impossible by a graph neural network of a certain depth (and the test set is diversified enough), then we can be sure that the same network will not learn how to classify the test set correctly. this has nothing to do with what learning algorithm is used.



Therefore, when conducting experiments, we should focus on the network that is deeper than the lower limit.





In fact, the encyclopedia is introduced in detail, such as "artificial neural network is a thinking function that simulates the structure of the human brain, with strong self-learning and association functions, less manual intervention, higher accuracy, and less use of expert knowledge."



But the disadvantage is that it can not deal with and describe fuzzy information, can not make good use of the existing experience and knowledge, especially the learning and problem solving has black box characteristics, its work is not explainable, and it has high requirements for samples. Compared with the neural network, the fuzzy system has the advantages of easy to understand reasoning process, better utilization of expert knowledge and lower requirements for samples, but it also has some shortcomings such as too much manual intervention, slow reasoning speed and low precision. It is difficult to realize the function of adaptive learning, and how to generate and adjust membership functions and fuzzy rules automatically is also a thorny problem.






The main advantages of deep learning are as follows: 1: strong learning ability and strong learning ability. 2: the neural network with wide coverage, good adaptability and deep learning has many layers and wide breadth, and can be mapped to any function in theory, so it can solve very complex problems.

3:数据驱动,上限高深度学习高度依赖数据,数据量越大,它的表现就越好。在图像识别、面部识别、NLP 等领域表现尤为突出。




In order to achieve good accuracy, it needs the support of big data. The complexity of the graph model in deep learning leads to a sharp increase in the time complexity of the algorithm. in order to ensure the real-time performance of the algorithm, higher parallel programming skills and more and better hardware support are needed.



Therefore, only some scientific research institutions or enterprises with strong economic strength can use deep learning to do some cutting-edge and practical applications.


人工神经网络,是一种旨在模仿人脑结构及其功能的信息处理系统,就是使用人工神经网络方法实现模式识别.可处理一些环境信息十分复杂,背景知识不清楚,推理规则不明确的问题,神经网络方法允许样品有较大的缺损和畸变.神经网络的类型很多,建立神经网络模型时,根据研究对象的特点,可以考虑不同的神经网络模型. 前馈型BP网络,即误差逆传播神经网络是最常用,最流行的神经网络.BP网络的输入和输出关系可以看成是一种映射关系,即每一组输入对应一组输出.BP算法是最著名的多层前向网络训练算法,尽管存在收敛速度慢,局部极值等缺点,但可通过各种改进措施来提高它的收敛速度,克服局部极值现象,而且具有简单,易行,计算量小,并行性强等特点,目前仍是多层前向网络的首选算法.多层前向BP网络的优点:网络实质上实现了一个从输入到输出的映射功能,而数学理论已证明它具有实现任何复杂非线性映射的功能。



This makes it especially suitable for solving problems with complex internal mechanisms; the network can automatically extract "reasonable" solving rules by learning a set of examples with correct answers, that is, it has the ability of self-learning; the network has a certain ability of generalization and generalization.




It is difficult to solve the contradiction between the instance scale and the network scale of the application problem. This involves the relationship between the possibility and feasibility of network capacity, that is, learning complexity; the choice of network structure does not have a unified and complete theoretical guidance, and can only be selected by experience.



For this reason, some people call the structure selection of neural network an art. The structure of the network directly affects the approximation ability and generalization property of the network.



Therefore, how to choose the appropriate network structure in the application is an important problem; the newly added samples will affect the successfully learned network, and the number of features depicted by each input sample must be the same; the contradiction between the prediction ability (also known as generalization ability, generalization ability) and training ability (also known as approximation ability, learning ability) of the network.



In general, when the training ability is poor, the prediction ability is also poor, and to a certain extent, with the improvement of training ability, the prediction ability is also improved. However, this trend has a limit, when it reaches this limit, with the improvement of training ability, the prediction ability decreases, that is, the so-called "over-fitting" phenomenon occurs.





Probabilistic neural network. Deep neural network means that Microsoft has launched a new speech recognition software, which works by imitating the way the human brain thinks, so that the speech recognition speed of the software is faster and the recognition accuracy is higher.



Organic chemistry is a branch of chemistry, which studies the structure, properties and reactions of hydrocarbons and their derivatives. The study of the structure includes the study of the molecular structure and crystal structure of the compounds by means of spectroscopy, chemical calculation and computer simulation.



The study of properties includes the physical and chemical properties of compounds and the prediction of chemical reactivity.

Original: https://blog.csdn.net/kfc67269/article/details/127300666
Author: 技术的呼唤
Title: dnn神经网络和bp神经网络区别,概率神经网络(PNN)